IDT Newsletter December 2017

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Dear Friend and Partner of IDT,

Among the highlights, the success of our IDT technical school rises to the top. Over the past year we have seen more growth and community involvement than ever before. Each program has staked a name for itself among the locals, and with every graduating class we are more and more grateful for the ability to facilitate such an opportunity in this area. We even participated with all the local schools in the annual independence parade on the 20th of November.  

Our girl’s home also has had a sweet and memorable year. Hope Manzano has settled in nicely in her new role as house mom, and the girls likewise have opened their hearts, and bonded to her beautifully. With 5 kids having been reintegrated back into their families’ care since she arrived in May, Hope currently has four girls remaining in the family, along with her own 5 year old son. One of the skills Hope brought with her was her eye for interior design, and she has been enjoying giving the house a makeover to enhance the cozy appeal, and homey welcome in the space.

 David and Brie Manzano are excitedly expecting their third baby, scheduled to fill our arms, and hearts, in March. After the devastating loss of their baby boy this past June, this growing gift comes as a rainbow in spite of their grief. David and Brie continue to run the Breakfast Club up on the hill, where they minister to 50-70 children every Saturday morning. Their goal this coming year is to enhance the intimacy of this program, transforming it to be more personable for the kids, they have started creating lanyard nametags to be use and returned at the end of the period. The kids are excited to find their tag, and wear them proudly around their necks. No longer just another face among a crowd of kids, they are known and acknowledged by name. Hearing their name sparks a sense of importance within them that is recognizable in their eyes.  

Our sweet sister Vivienne Cunningham retired from the mission field this fall and moved back to Canada after serving with us for almost 10 years! All those who had the opportunity to call her friend sorely miss her! IDT missionary, Karen Sweet, continues to minister with a local congregation and serves the local women in many ways, she also is the Base Host receiving our guests and visiting groups.

Beyond Directing and running IDT, Dani and Tani continue to developed their presence in the legal community and grow their subject matter expertise in family court. Their interest continues to lie in adoption and being able to advocate for those who otherwise have no one to stand up for them. Dani and Tani have already began the process of prayerfully selecting the families who will receive houses this year, through our sister ministry and partner Heart Ministries, this entails receiving applications, interviewing potential families and visiting them in their homes to get to know them and see firsthand their living situation and lifestyle.

The house build program continues to be a ministry full of opportunities to spread the love of Christ and puts us in contact with the neediest families in remote corners of the community that we might otherwise never come into contact with. Over the years many families that IDT has helped to receive a home, or simply met because they were seeking a home, have become precious friends and family to those who have served with us and brought hundreds of opportunities to share the Lords love and bring change to spiritually, emotionally, and physically desperate situation. We ask for your prayer on this and all aspects of our ministry that the Lord would be in our midst and we would be His hands and feet!

Overall this has been an eventful year, with many welcome changes and growth. We are so grateful to all of you who have contributed to the successes we have enjoyed.  Thank you for partnering with us in our ministry! We pray Gods blessing over you all, and hope you had a sweet and memorable Christmas season.


Here’s to 2018, and all the adventures it might bring for us all!


-The IDT Staff