New, New, New

Hi Friends and Family,

We Lost our old website, domain, blog, most of the content and all our previous hard work done by some really great friends and IDT family to get that going. So we're starting new! New site, new web domain with new ministry email addresses and new Blog! It's going to be under Construction for a couple weeks so bear with us please! BUT we are working hard to get it all up and running. In the meantime please feel free to contact us for any information you can't find on our site at There are a lot of new and exciting changes and developments going on here at IDT right now so stay tuned for our newsletter to find out all about it! You can subscribe to our email list by clicking here. But don't wait for our newsletter, you can like our Facebook page now to keep up with our day to day triumphs and challenges. So check out our new website and hey, we'd really appreciate any feedback if you find any glitches or embarrassing typos! Friends don't let friends misspell!


The IDT Communications Team